About This Blog

I will be spending the summer of 2015 on a missions trip in Galmi, Niger in West Africa. I am going with some missionaries and friends of mine, the Zoolkoskis, and will be helping in the SIM missionary hospital in Galmi and around the hospital compound where I will be living with them. This blog is a way for me to keep in touch with all of you who are supporting and praying for me, and to keep you updated as to what God is doing in and through me! If you want to be updated as soon as I post something new, you can subscribe by email or through Blogger. Thank you so much for your prayers and support!

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Go Ye Therefore...

I always find it amazing how God works, how He directs us. If someone wrote a narrative of my life, I think that the most-used phrase would be, "One thing led to another..." because so often, that's what happens! Most of the time, I don't set out with a specific end result in mind, but God works through my circumstances, opening and closing doors and guiding me. And then one day, I just look back and think, "Wow. This is never where I thought I would end up, but here I am. Look what God's done!"
That is very much how this "adventure" began.
Last summer, I felt that God was calling me to pursue a nursing degree at OIT (which is another crazy example of how God has directed me, but one for another day!). One of the main reasons for this was a deep desire that God had put in my heart since I was young to serve in missions. It was this long-held desire coupled with my interest in the medical field (plus a few hints from my dad!) that originally encouraged me to contact the Zoolkoski's about going with them to Galmi, Niger over the summer.
I have known the Zoolkoski family for as long as I can remember. We first met them as missionaries at our church. They work at an SIM hospital in Galmi, Niger. Christopher Zoolkoski is a doctor, and his wife Nancy is a pharmacist. They have been an inspiration to me for a long time, shining examples of God's love when and where there is little hope.
So after my dad first mentioned me going to Galmi, we began praying and looking into it more seriously. God opened doors and continued leading my heart toward Galmi...and "one thing led to another"! So here I am, planning to travel halfway across the world and spend my summer away from my family in a culture unimaginably contrasting my own! God really does work in mysterious ways!
I am so excited to see what God has for me in Galmi and am praying that He will use me as a blessing and encouragement while I am there! I am especially looking forward to worshiping and fellowshipping with believers from all around the world, including local Nigeriens as well as many international missionaries who work there. It will be an experience I won't ever forget, and I hope and pray that God will use this opportunity to sculpt me into the child, servant and messenger that He created me to be!
I would love to hear from you before I leave or while I am gone! If you would like to contact me, you can email me or contact me through Facebook. If you didn't receive a support letter and would like one, I would be more than happy to send you one! Just email or message me your address! I look forward to hearing from you and sharing with you all that God is doing!
His servant, Krista