About This Blog

I will be spending the summer of 2015 on a missions trip in Galmi, Niger in West Africa. I am going with some missionaries and friends of mine, the Zoolkoskis, and will be helping in the SIM missionary hospital in Galmi and around the hospital compound where I will be living with them. This blog is a way for me to keep in touch with all of you who are supporting and praying for me, and to keep you updated as to what God is doing in and through me! If you want to be updated as soon as I post something new, you can subscribe by email or through Blogger. Thank you so much for your prayers and support!

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Galmi and My Many Adventures

These are all pictures of Galmi and the things I've been doing here:

This is a view of the street going East into town. On the left is the hospital parking lot and the red and white hospital fence.

Various pictures of the town...

This is the city well, which serves the entire town. Surprisingly, the water in Galmi is very good and mostly clean, even compared to water in the US.

This is millet, the main crop for most of Niger. Right now, everyone, even people with other trades such as tailoring, gardening, or carpentry, are working in their millet fields. On the left, you can see millet that is coming up nicely (about a foot tall). Further east, we've seen millet that is almost as tall as me!

Onions are a big crop here as well. While not as huge as the millet industry, Galmi onions are one thing that missionaries say they miss in the States!

These three boys were so excited that we wanted to take their picture!! :)

The sun rising over Galmi... Such a beautiful sight!!

This view of Galmi is from the road to Nigeria. I hiked up there one Sunday before church with some friends, and we stood looking out over Galmi, and prayed for the town and the churches and the hospital. It was a powerful moment!!

We got the amazing opportunity to go out into three of the nearby villages to share the gospel and distribute "Operation Christmas Child" boxes!

Such beautiful landscape!

These awesome-looking huts are huge storage bins. By the end of this season's harvest, Lord-willing, they will all be full of millet and other things to support families and villagers through the rest of the year.

This fabulous selfie is from the back of a camel! Yes, it was a super touristy thing to do, and all the locals laughed at us, but it was fun! And I know you are all jealous!! ;)
This was my camel, who we officially dubbed, "Polly." She was kind of moody, but I'm pretty sure it was just because she was hungry--she stopped to nibble at every plant and tree within neck's reach the whole ride!! :P

Just a few of the beautiful Hausa people...

This is my porch, as you can see, thoroughly flooded by the powerful, sudden rain storms we've been experiencing lately!

The view right before sunset at "Picnic Heights", a peaceful picnic area on a hill just east of Galmi.

Enjoying the view and the sunset, as well as the peace, calm, and quiet...

A family surrounding the bed of a little girl in "B Ward", the Galmi equivalent to an ICU.

Me and my little neonate buddy! He got to go home this week, which was a huge praise!!

This is my friend Annie, with a traditional meal of tuo and sauce (which I can't remember the Hausa name for). Tuo is made from millet, and tastes kind of like white rice oatmeal.

 Cose (deep-fried bean paste) with sugar and tanka (a traditional spice), and Oriba (a Nigerien soft drink). It doesn't get much better than this!
Add some friends and it's a party!! With me in this picture is Anne (middle) and Maddie (right). I have been so blessed by the relationships that God has given me here! I have made many new friendships that I have no doubt will last a very long time!

I am no photographer, but I hope that even in these few, poor-quality photos that you can see at least a part of the reason why I am falling so in love with this country and these people! It is truly amazing to be here, and to be able to experience all the things that I have. Thank you for you prayers and continued support!


  1. I think your pictures are great! i love all the color and the beautiful people! i'm so glad you have this opportunity to be there and be a missionary!

  2. Amazing pictures, Krista! My heart stopped at the one with your hand next to that little guy! Love and prayers from Klamath Lymans

  3. It's wonderful to be able to see a glimpse of Galmi and the people there. Thank you for posting these!


  4. Krista, it is so neat to see pictures of you and these beautiful people! I can see why it will be hard for you leave!
